Amazon’s Robotic Empire: Jeff Bezos’ Smart Warehouses
A 200,000 strong robotic empire is running Amazon’s warehouses. From rolling robots, to robotic arms – they all work together in Amazon’s smart warehouse system.
This documentary video takes a look at the automation technology working inside of Amazon’s fulfilment centers. We’ll take a look at the different kinds of robots Amazon has working for them, and the future tech the management are working on – to make the human workers work more efficiently like the robots.
Amazon’s City of the Future
To see how this smart warehouse tech will help build Amazon’s city of the future, have a look at my other video here:
Other topics in the video include:
• How Jeff Bezos and Amazon first started their robotic empire
• The annual challenge that Amazon hosts to help develop the challenging picking and packing robot – that could one day replace the humans
• The robotic vest that human workers wear with sensors that tell the robots humans are nearby
• Video footage taking a tour around the robotic warehouse
• And what is in store for the future of Amazon when it comes to expanding their robotic empire, and building smart cities of the future